Top Tips to Improve the Indoor Air Quality In Your Home

Improving Indoor Air Quality

When it comes to cultivating a conducive environment to work, live, or socialize, indoor air quality is a significant factor. Most people do not realize that the air inside a home is two to five times more polluted than the air outside.

How come?

The air outside your home naturally cleans itself. The plants and vegetation take in carbon dioxide and expel oxygen. Our homes cannot self-cleanse the air like mother nature.

What causes air pollution within the house?

Chemical pollutants are some of the most common contaminators of indoor air. The smoke from burning cigarettes or tobacco and carbon monoxide are possibly toxic. Biological contaminants like mold, pollen, viruses, pets, and bacteria also play a role in air pollution. Activities like dusting, remodeling, and general cleaning stir up dust particles. Breathing these particles can cause some health issues.

What’s the solution? Top Tips to Improve Your Indoor Air Quality

1. Maintain Your HVAC Equipment Regularly

The regular maintenance of your HVAC equipment can go a long way in improving indoor air quality. Maintenance can be as simple regular cleaning of the air filters. When the need arises, you may have to replace the air filters.

Other components of your air conditioner also need regular maintenance. These components include the evaporator, condenser coils, and air ducts. To clean such components, you need the services of a qualified HVAC professional.

2. Install High-Quality Filters

Your air filters dictate the quality of air that flows into your home. Different air filters have different MERV (Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value) ratings. Fiber-glass filters have ratings of one to four; pleated filters have ratings between five to eight. The higher the rating, the finer the filtration characteristics.

High-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters and ultra-low penetration air (ULPA) filters are some of the finest filters around. Such air filters can block out particles that are as fine as pollen.

Schedule for an inspection by a qualified HVAC professional. From the inspection, we can determine and recommend a higher grade air filter.

3. Install an Air Purifier

An air purifier is an appliance or device that eliminates contaminants from the air. Your average HVAC unit has an air purifier component integrated into it. You can also install a stand-alone air purifier to improve the quality of your indoor air.

Air purifiers use HEPA and electrostatic filters to trap particles like dust, bacteria, and pollen. Other types of air purifiers include ionizing purifiers, ozone generators, adsorbents, and UV light purifiers.

4. Install a dehumidifier

A dehumidifier is a device that reduces the amount of moisture in the air. Moisture facilitates the growth of bacteria, mold, fungi, and dust mites. Humidity may also promote corrosion of your metallic surfaces through rust.

You can improve air quality by maintaining acceptable levels of humidity. A dehumidifier is an appliance you need to achieve this objective.

5. Consider House Plants

The air outside is cleaner than the air inside because the environment has natural air cleaners. We can take some pointer from mother earth by installing these natural air purifiers.

Some plants are excellent air purifiers. They implement this role by boosting your indoor oxygen levels and secreting sweet scents.

Below are the top air-purifying plants:

  • Bamboo Palm
  • English Ivy
  • Gerbera Daisy
  • Janet Craig Dracaena
  • Red Edged Dracaena
  • Corn Plant (Dracaena massangeana)

Take Control of Your Indoor Air Quality

Contact Solid Rock Construction for your indoor air quality needs. We are a family-owned HVAC and building contractor based in Bradenton, Florida.

We have the expertise and human resources to create a conducive environment to live, work, and study.

Call us today for a free consultation.
